
Revamping my home!

My new hobby is my home. Funny, but true. As a military wife, it's hard for me to set up a new home somewhere and really make it feel like it's mine. Those in the military know what I'm talking about! You get somewhere, maybe you rent or buy a house, and then you put some work into trying to make it yours, but then you get orders and you gotta leave and start another one somewhere new. Hard. I think if I had some great pieces that I could put up wherever I go so that it always feels like home, I wouldn't mind moving so much. That being said, I am revamping my home! Yay! I am super excited, and I can't wait to get started. Actually, Nathan and I have already started together. Surprised? I know! Two weeks ago, we sat down together after the kids were in bed and wrote up our Family Mission Statement. I am stoked that we have one now and as soon as I can, I am going to type it up and frame it so I can hang it. It will be something that is always on the wall and I can take wherever we go. Also, I came up with a list of our household habits that I am going to do the same to. That way, we always have something that is lasting for the rest of our military career and life. And the kids will grow up reading it as well and hopefully learn to appreciate it! Along with that, I have decided that I don't have nearly enough pictures hanging as I would like to have. This week I am going to finally buy ink for our printer so that I can print out the thousands of pictures we have stored on the computer that are going to waste not being used.

So I have also decided that I am tired of every piece of furniture looking so worn and old in my house! Okay, I should say I am tired of my dining room table looking worn and I'm so done with the finish on it. So I decided I am going to revamp it along with all six of the dining room chairs. HUGE job!!! I am looking forward to doing it so that I will be happy with it but I am not looking forward to the work that is going to have to be put into doing it. I really want my home to be a place that is comforting, restful on the eye, and just peaceful. I know that in order to achieve these things it's not just about revamping the material items we own, which is why I think the Family Mission Statement is a great idea. Just knowing that I signed a piece of paper like a contract has already changed a lot of the ways I handle situations in my house!

Here's my list of things I would love to have done by the end of the summer: (that's right, summer)!

1. Hang our Family Mission Statement

2. Make curtains for the windows

3. Revamp the dining room table

4. Get pictures hung in our house

So that's it! Hopefully I can accomplish this. I'm not a sewer by any means, but I'm hoping for a sewing machine for mother's day!
I will post before and after pics of everything I do:)