
A much needed rant. Oh and Facebook Sucks.

OH MY GOSH. Can I just tell you all how annoying Facebook is these days??? Seriously, if you're a Christian, why use it? Actually, to be honest I was posting on it everyday for the past few years and just recently I have been convicted that it's not the best thing in the whole world for Christians. So...I have been posting pictures, and writing an occasional post to let people know I am still alive. However, my son's birthday party is coming and I decided to use FB for inviting people. BIG mistake. I am so annoyed, so irritated, so angry, that I haven't slept well in two nights. Okay, that part isn't true, but just thinking about this whole thing makes me so mad still. Relationships are wonderful things, but FB is not the place for them. People say things that are taken the wrong way, people make jokes that are taken the wrong way or not funny, people get angry and virtually I am just sick of it. (Blogger is the place I can say stuff without offending people because it's my own blog)!!! Everyone who knows me thinks that I am just quiet, meek, and passive. Well, yes, most of the time I am. But when I get upset, I don't get over it that quickly depending on what the offense against me was. Something like fighting and or making jokes on an invitation on FB for my son's b-day party absolutely doesn't sit well with me. Honestly, COME ON!!!!!!!

 Oh, and FACEBOOK SUCKS!!!!!