
Advent Calendar! It's That Time of the Year!

This year, I decided to make an Advent Calendar! It turned out quite nice I think and I am excited to fill it with goodies and introduce Hallah and Nathaniel to this great tradition:) My family does it every year, and I love that we can pass this tradition on!

Now that it's made, I have finally gotten a list of scriptures, and some great, fun ideas to put in the boxes. A lot of people have been asking what to put in the boxes and so here's a list of scriptures and ideas that I wanted to share:)

Day 1: Isaiah 7:14
Day 2: Isaiah 9:6-7
Day 3: Isaiah 32:1
Day 4: Isaiah 40:30
Day 5: Isaiah 42:6
Day 6: Isaiah 52:7
Day 7: Malachi 3:1
Day 8: Luke 1:67-75
Day 9: Luke 1:26-38

Day 10: Luke 1:39-45
Day 11: Luke 1:46-55
Day 12: Matthew 1:18
Day 13: Matthew 1:19
Day 14: Matthew 1:22-24
Day 15: Luke 2:1-6
Day 16: Luke 2:7
Day 17: Luke 2:8-14
Day 18: Luke 2:15-20
Day 19: Luke 2:21
Day 20: Luke 2:22-32
Day 21: Luke 2:33-35
Day 22: Matthew 2:1-6
Day 23: Matthew 2:7-12
Day 24: 2 Corinthians 9:15 (we're going to have Hallah eventually memorize this one)
Day 25: Matthew 2:13-15

Make a puzzle wreath, decorate Christmas cookies, make a gingerbread house, family night out with dinner and Christmas shopping, play Christmas charades, bake a birthday cake for Jesus, drive (or walk) around neighborhood to look at Christmas lights, watch a favorite Christmas movie, make homemade hot chocolate, string popcorn, make homemade Christmas cards, give blankets, etc. to a homeless shelter, volunteer in a soup kitchen, visit the elderly in a nursing home, go Christmas caroling, call up a relative you haven't talked to in a long time and wish them Merry Christmas, go see a Christmas movie in the theater, go to a Christmas play/ballet.

Along with some of these ideas, I will be putting some small candies in some of the boxes as well to make it extra special:)

Well there you go!! Hope you enjoyed this blog!