
A Masterpiece from God

My husband and I recently moved across the country. Driving from North Carolina to Oregon with our one year old daughter, our dog, my teenage brother, and a U-Haul pulling a trailer was quite the experience. It proved to be very stressful at times, and on certain days I broke down and cried from pure exhaustion. My patience ran thin, my blood got to a boiling point, my character was tested beyond measure. I had to rely on God so many times to pull me through.
Driving through however many states we did, I was amazed at the vast difference each of them held. I imagined the United States as a large canvas and God Himself forming each individual mountain, grass pasture, and canyon. Sometimes there would be wildflowers growing on the side of the road in all their splendor. They were so beautiful and perfect, that my brother would say "we're driving through a Van Gogh painting." In one state massive waterfalls were seen cascading down the sides of rocks and greenery. In another, miles and miles of flat land, as far as the eye could see. It was amazing to me how each individual state was different, yet they all collaborated to form America. Witnessing the beauties of creation, I was humbled at the imagination that God has, and the kindness He has to share it with mankind. However, there were also times when I beheld a more powerful God. In Nebraska, we came upon a ruthless thunderstorm. This thunderstorm wasn't the kind that you wanted to be driving through, especially if you were me. I had never seen bolts of lightening strike down so mercilessly as they did. The rain came down in bucketfuls so hard that I was forced to go about five miles an hour. I have never clutched the steering wheel like I did through that storm, nor have I ever prayed that hard in my life! I had to completely put my trust in the Lord at that time, and give Him the steering wheel while wincing at every strike of lightning that bolted out of the clouds. It also reminded me that in all His kindness and love that He bestows upon me, He is still in charge and in control of everything.
Now that we've been in Oregon for a couple months and things have finally settled down a bit, I still need to be reminded to let Him have control of my life. When things get crazy like they have been, I think about our trip across the country and remember that a God who created all of the beauties of creation and who shows His power through a crazy lightning storm is more than able and willing to keep me in His arms if I just let Him.

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