
Ice Cream for the Blues

My comfort food is definitely ice cream. I know that ice cream is already a comfort food to many people, but for me, it really really is. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't eat a lot of it, and I rarely want it. However, when I am lonely, sad, or confused, I find the need for it to be in my freezer. Even if I don't eat it. So tonight is one of those nights and of course, there's no ice cream in the house. What to do except drive to the store and buy some. I kept thinking, "Do I really want to bundle up the baby, get into the car, and drive all the way to the store?" The answer was indeed obvious. Of course. To me there was no other option. If I were genie, I could blink my eyes and poof, I'd have ice cream. If I were smart, I would have picked some up when I was grocery shopping the other day. Alas, I'm neither a genie, nor smart enough to think ahead. Bundle up and drive we did. In rush hour traffic. All I could see in my mind was a big bowl of ice cream. We get to the store, and to the ice cream aisle we went. I knew exactly what I wanted. Butter pecan, my absolute favorite. There it was, and as I was reaching in to grab it, my eye caught the Neopolitan flavor which looked just as good. What to do. I couldn't decide so I thought I would walk around and think it over. I picked up some other needed items and came back to the ice cream aisle. I still couldn't decide so I just grabbed them both. Back home we went. Now I am sitting here typing with ice cream in my freezer, trying to decide if I really want to eat it. I think I do. It's a lonely night. The baby is already down for the night, the house is cleaned, the laundry done, and my husband is still at work. It's just me. And the dog. And the ice cream in my freezer. Anyone who's ever had a night like this knows that it's okay to splurge in times like these. Besides, I had a salad for lunch. So here's to lonely nights, a delicious bowl of ice cream, and a People magazine to go along with it. That doesn't sound like such a bad time after all.

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